**what the fuck?! Don’t poke me!**

hollah if ya think my skin is geting borring!! HOOLLAH. well, my opinion is enough, thank you very much. i can’t even find the jellies. haii nako.


anyways, my week was ok.


i remember crying in front of the 3rd year classroom while talking to teacher J O J O about wanting to go back to S T C. i mean, yeah.. i like MMCH and all, i really do but i have this feeling nah, i belong in S T C. but, when i start to think about it, i end up in the beginning thinking about WHY i transferred in the first place. it’s a sacrifice that i did for my future. [suddenly, Lanni popped into my mind. hmm] anyways, yeah. so, ambot lang if i’ll stay.




yeah baby! the highight of my week is going back to STC with all my mates and i got to hang out with them. it feels soo nice to be missed..Ü hmm.


i bought  a spongebob casing and i have mms and gprs nah so, i’m SPONGEBOB crazy. well, uhm.:)


uhm, me and b r y c e traded phones for a day. it was suppossed to be me and c h r i s t i a n first but then, ambot. i lost track. lmao


o yea! i missed the bus!! and i ended up missing classs!! wtf?! πŸ™‚ ana diay nah noh? lmao


it wa bayot’s birthday and i made her a reaay long letter and i made her a shirt.


ina’s, nina’s and aya’s and yss’as and the others had their reco. boring daw. wtf?! πŸ™‚


tc peepz. im out

on a skin hunt


peace! πŸ™‚ 

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