If love is soo great… then how come I can’t do it?


          One day everybody’s talking about how they met their special someone and they picture themselves with that person for the rest of their lives. One day everybody’s talking about the sweet things that person did and all the promises they made.


          It’s like a dream come true for them. Finding someone who can take them out of their loneliness and save them from their pains and make them feel loved. And when I think about it, I end up feeling down. Everyone says that being in a relationship is the best thing that happened to them and that I should consider it even with the absence of “real” love.


          And then, one day everybody’s crying. Everybody’s running to me and telling me how that other person lied and ripped their heart into pieces. Everybody’s complaining about how he broke his promises and how they could turn back time to be happy again.


          I try to tell them that it wasn’t meant to be and how they should move on. Some listen while others are hesitant. And in the long run after feeling bad, mad and then regretful they all go crazy.


          After a few days, they’re talking to their friends asking them to hook them up with someone new. To make the same promises, to subside the loneliness and probably to make the same promises the last one did.




          Everyone’s looking for someone to “love”. Everyone says that there’s someone waiting for them just around the corner. But really. Is that how it is? Love isn’t found, it’s something that we discover unexpectedly. Love isn’t about the promises made and the promises broken but it’s how hard we tried to keep them. Love isn’t about finding someone to take away all the loneliness and the pain, it’s finding someone who would stay with you through all the pain. It isn’t about rushing things, and how often we say “I love you” it’s about feeling it and showing how much we do. And love isn’t about everything being perfect, it’s about loving someone loves you through your imperfections.


          Sometimes, people get so caught up with the whole dating and the status of being in a relationship that we forget the whole essence of being in one. And it’s sad.


          Although, this all could just be my fear of commitment but I’m not in a hurry. So I’ll live my life the best way I know how.

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