“If all else fails, will you be brave enough to love me?

                                      If all else fails, will you be brave enough

                                                   To see right through me?”

                                          [Same ground by : Kitchie Nadal]


Highlight of the day:

  [-] M.U.: Murag Unggoy


          My daily routine consists of waking up everyday from 5:00 or 5:30 a.m. I go online, post my blog from the previous day [because my mouse is always jammed up at night], take a bath, change, the basics [deo, sun block, etc.] eat and soon after that, I’m on my way to San Case. I ride a jeep and then walk all the way to Petron [that’s a gas station for all you idiots who didn’t know that] and then ride another jeep to S.C. when I get there, I just talk and stuff until Kit comes and we play for while. When I get back, we talk, play and other stuff. Once it reaches 10 o’clock we all go to court 3-4 to warm up and then go to courts 1-2 to start off. When it reaches 12 we’re all done but I usually hang out until 12:30 then, I go back home the same way I went there. Then I eat lunch go to sleep [nap] and then when I wake up… I do whatever I want. And in every activity I do… I am always texting. Except when I’m taking my nap of course. ;P


I bet you’re wondering why I’m telling you all this, aren’t you? Well, because today was different. I woke up at 6 but I didn’t go online. I took a bath and then ate. I rode the 1st jeep but then I walked all the way to san case instead. Trip lang. When I got there, well… I forgot what I did. Anyhow, instead of going home right away, I stayed until two. We we’re just hangin out playing cards, taking piciez, basketball and stuff. Pauline brought over her uncle’s dog [priest uncle] and I just couldn’t get enough of that mutt neither could ragde or leigh. It was all fun. Leigh is attached to long hair… he should grow his own. That would be hot. LMAO.


          When I got home, one of the yaya’s [I don’t know her name] had totally re arranged my room… and I thought that was my job!!! But I have to cut her some slack cuz it was nice. For some reason, I made myself some earrings out of paper clips and then I took a bath and spent the rest of the afternoon buhming out at home. At 5 I felt sleepy so I took a nap and I woke up at 7. me and Clark worked things out. It’s all good. No more MU shit. Hahaiz. Whatever!


          Me and the girlz are goin to the mall tomorrow to watch a movie. I was going to dress up real good but, I guess I’m too lazy for that… I’m going in shorts. World, watch out for my legz!! LMAO.


          My parents and my grand lolo are outside getting wasted… I’m still waiting for their invitation. But I havta go now.



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