** well, why don’t we find out shall we?? **

1. you’ve only known each other for a few weeks, but you and your crush already:

a. known every detail abut each other

b. argue like you’ve been together for years

c. have managed to talk about any messy rel. issues

2. your guy cathces you talking about your ball [in the summer, which is like 3 years from now [for me that is]]. he:

a. turns bright red and immedietly changes subject

b. nudges and says. “do i get to come?”

c. says, “i’m glad i don’t go to your school. that sounds totally lame.”

3. you bump into your sweeties parents at the mall. when he introduces you, they:

a. immedietly know who you are and treat you like part of the family.

b. ask your guy why he’s blushing so much.

c. smile blankly amd ask. “are you one of his friends?”

4. when your guy asks you out to a movie, he’s most likely to call you:

a. minutes before the preview starts.

b. a week in advance.

c. a few hours before.

5. your hottie has a reputation for:

a. falling for a diff. girl every summer

b. never act. dating any of the kazillion girls who are after him.

c. being really serious about any girl he’ seeing.

6. you tell your sweetie you’re worried about what will happen to your relationship when summer ends. he:

a. admits he’s worried, too.

b. shrugs and says, “ hey nothing lasts forever.”

c. starts listing all the diff. reasons you 2 will definitely stay together.

7. when you snd your guy hang out, it’s usually

a. with a bunch of pals

b. just the 2 of you

c.  unplanned. you just happen to be at the same place, at the same time.

8. when school starts you’ll probably keep in touch by:

a. phone

b. lots of e-mails and IM’s

c. who knows? you haven’t really talked about it yet

9. you’re used to seeing your crush in flip flops and board shorts. if you try to imagine him wearing a parka and snow boots, it seems:

a. to weird!

b. exciting.

c. kinda scary.

10. your friends’ nicknames for you and your guy are:

a. romeo and juliet.

b. nick and jessica

c. no nicknames. none of your friends reall know how you feel about each other.


now, don’t you think this is much more better than answering a test at school?? haha. go to the guest book for the answers.

if you like my quiz, gimme props ayt?! if you don’t you can add a comment. i need props so that i can add more quizzes and surveys and whatever.

peace. 🙂

6 Replies to “”

  1. hei… ur a cebuana?! dats soo great! coz im also one!:p im still 14 though.. hope we can be fwends… check mah site out if u want! enewiz.. u can also add me in ur subscriptions list! [which will be TOTALLY APPRECIATED! hahah!] take care olwiz…;op

  2. hei… ur a cebuana?! dats soo great! coz im also one!:p im still 14 though.. hope we can be fwends… check mah site out if u want! enewiz.. u can also add me in ur subscriptions list! [which will be TOTALLY APPRECIATED! hahah!] take care olwiz…;op

  3. ey, hey!! i checked out your site and it was greaat!! 🙂 haHa. what school are you from? Lol. uhm, try out my tests ok? ima post the results already. peace. much

  4. ey, hey!! i checked out your site and it was greaat!! 🙂 haHa. what school are you from? Lol. uhm, try out my tests ok? ima post the results already. peace. much

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