iMa wHo . bUh mOz imPortAntLy 

 .. bUH onLy oN tHe inSidE tHouGh. 

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LiKe jAcK loVes naTaLie..
LiKe .. lIkE ..
DaRn iT..  
Click here to see more graphics by, aWw. hE loOkz sOo cUte. bUh, tHe oNly ThaNg cuTer iZ a GUY giVinG mE roSes.
 Click here to see more graphics by, CarrielynnesWorld.comdUn gOt mUch tO saY bOut tIz liL feLLeR oBah huRr bUH, iF aNy1 waNnA gIVe mE aNy sPonGebOb sTufF iLL tAke iT .. bUt, iLL hAvE tO tHiNK bOUt You. dOnt fEeL luCky eR anYthiNg. i Juz caNt sAy nO tO sPoNGie!!   
*uGH.. i aM sOo hOPeLess.
Hey thurr!! Mah freakin mouse work work again so I decided to type my blog in micro word fiorst and then just paste it… hey, I’m in the zoOone!!J haha. Anyways, iM sOo weird today, I dunno I just told Kathya bout this funky [?!] dreamI had the other night. Can’t tell ya’ll.. tha’z our lil secret. LoL.
*iT aiN’t icky.. iT’z jUz “hOpeLez”
anyways, today was soo fun. I think it’s like, holy week right now. I’m nOt sure though L haha. SorrY. Im nOt uP-daTed. Haha. So anyways, I like spent the whole morning in bed playing PS. Buts-A-gRoOve bAy-bEh!! J haha. I’M sOo good aT iT. HahA. DUn min tA brag eR anyFin. ThEn I played CaspUrr.. I swear to **** **** I suck BIG TIME!! Buh aT least iM improving. Haha. ThE family left me at home while they went to the grocery. They came home aTta bout 1 somefin and they didn’t even buh-reyng me any fOooOD!! I was like, starving! They are always like that!! MIgueL [aMpaO] was cRyin LikE hell tOo! It wUz cuZ o’ joLLibEE. HE LiKe missed hIm eR somEfin. LOL. SO cAsey gave iM a stuffed tOy oF iM aNd miGueL hAsn’t lEt gO oF iT since!!
*iZ tHa like… sOoO gAY?!
IN tHe afternoon, wE aLL went To wEtLand park [wIt tHe HeLpeRz ToO.] total flirting wAS goin oN wIt NeneNg [YaYA] aNd tHe assistant [soWe, dUnNO watTa call iM!]
CasEy caught aLooT oF fish sO diD aMpaO .. I swear they aRe jUz lyK lucky eR suMfin! CUz IwUd bE hoLdin tHe rOd rYt?! [which was bamboo wiT nylon aNd a hOok wiT bait] aNd I would gVe iT tO migUel, rYT?! Then like, seconds!! [aNd iM noT exaggerating] hE would already catch something!! IT wAS sOO unfair. bUt iZ aLL good.. cUz I caught ^6^!! J hAha. CasEy caught a catfish tOo!! Which was wErD cuZ dEy’rE onLy supposed tO hAvE tiLapYA’z tHuRr!! HAha. IT wUZ sOo hard tO gEt iT oUtTa tHe hook tHa tHe gUy nEnNen wAs flirting with hAd tO cUT tHe nylon!! HAha.
*bTw, tHe gUy,.. wSnT sOo bAd looking. FOr a yOU know Tha’ iZ
iT wAs sOo gross cUz I held a worm iN mAh haND!! ANd I hooked oNe!! IT waS sOooOO.. can’T eVn find words fOr iT!! J
sO after tHE fUn.. hE hAd more fUN.. wE aTe!! J I aTe sOo much!! IT wAs like sinning! (“,) LoL.
SO, iM home nOw.. L AnD like, eVeRy1 buH mE [aZ usual] iZ ready tO head down To tHe beach tOm. WHatTAh!!
OH yeA, naTaLie wOn!! YeHey!! JacK, I salute yOu yOU hOt bloke!! YoU’Ve chOosEn a mighty fYn sHeiLa rYT tHurr, yOu haVE, mate! YOU definitely aren’t gonna come a gUtseR!! J grouse, mate. GOoRoo wiT tHe fReakiN lingo! IMa improve laTah.
ANywaYs, check oUt tHe quiz I made!! IS tIz rOmeO fO’ real?!?!?
Check iT ouT.
PEacE!! J

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