Music Shuffle
Put your mp3 player on shuffle, and list the first ten songs.
First Song:: You Found Me – Kelly Clarkson
Second Song:: Time After Time – Matchbox 20
Third Song:: The Places You Have Learned To Fear the Most – dashboard confessionals
Fourth Song:: My Favorite Accident – Motion City soundtrack
Fifth Song:: First Date – Blink 182
Sixth Song:: Angels or Devils – Dishwala
Seventh Song:: Grey Skies Turn Blue – MXPX
Eight Song:: Some Call it Magic – Raven Symone
Ninth Song:: No Such Thing – John Mayer
Tenth Song:: Here It Goes Again – OK GO
Time to see what they mean to you!
Who does song 1 remind you of?: undecided
What part of your life does song 2 describe the best?: when i feel lonely and desperately need someone
If you could dedicate song 3 to someone, who would it be?: no one i n particular. maybe people who don’t know who they are yet.
Does Song 4’s lyrics mean anything to you personally?: yeah, the title. i don’t remember the lyrics though
Why do you like song 5?: no, not really.
When did you first start listening to the artist of song 6?: once i got limewire. lol
How many albums do you have from the artist of song 7?: none. 🙂
How are number 8 and 9 similar?: ambot but i have a feeling that they aren’t
What is number 10’s meaning?: i have no idea. lol
What song out of the 10 is your favorite?: no such thing
What song out of the 10 is your least favorite?: first date
Which song means the most to you and why?: you found me
Would you dedicate any of these to your love/crush?: yeah, i would.
Would you dedicate any of these to your enemy?: yeah [places you have come tof ear the most]
Do these top ten songs fairly reflect your music collection?: yeah, fairly.
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