A Tribute To Photographers feat. Nick Santos Photography



Sharing my second set of photos, this time with photographer Nick Santos.

I made the decision late last year to open up my schedule more to different photographers who are interested in doing photo shoots with me. It was a risky decision for me to make but as much as I love having my photos taken by friends and my helper, I also had the desire to try different forms of art not only involving fashion. So far, I feel like I made the right choice as I’ve not only been able to expand my network, I have also been able to express a more creative side of me which I’ve been suppressing for so long. I’ve been able to try out different shoots and concepts and at the same time, learn about photography and pick through photographer’s brains to understand their works and what to them is art.

One thing I think it is important for me to mention is that, it is important to me that each person I work with feels entitled to their own work and not like they are working for me. I have worked with a few photographers who have the perception that bloggers are diva’s or elitists and will treat you like they own you and although I’ve never met a blogger that actually acts that way, I cannot say that they do not exist. However, as someone who appreciates not only the gestures of having your photos taken but more importantly the art, I will tell you that I understand that that’s not the way things go. When I work with other artists, I make sure they are comfortable and they are able to express themselves creatively and appropriately.  They have full control of their photos and may edit them as they want to and are free to post them on their portfolios- I also allow them to direct me and share ideas of how to make a photo come to life. Basically, I try to learn from them and hopefully, we learn from each other.

I consider myself as an artist with fashion and my body as my tools of choice. Photography backdrops and lately, film have both inspired me a lot and have also kept me extremely busy and although I don’t really know where these passions will take me in the future, I understand the hard work put into it which is why I respect it.

I have been so blessed to work with quite a handful of reputable photographers in my city- some who are still here and others who are spreading their work around the world and I cannot wait to work with more. I might not say this that often but if it weren’t for you guys, this blog would have never come to life!

 So thank you, thank you, thank you to every single person who’s shot me and helped me grow in this industry.

If you’re starting a new hobby- have enough passion to fuel your soul and you will go places. Never allow anyone to take you for granted and never lose the drive to do something you love. You’ll go far!




Respectfully and Gratefully Yours,


Contact me via iamissaperez@gmail.com for shoots, etc.

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