a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle

One day, in this big vast world, we’ll find someone for us. It may not be now, it may take a few misses and it might hurt sometimes.  But if we tell ourselves that it’ll happen for us, it will and when it does, we’ll know why every other time had to hurt so much in the first place.

In our lives, there will always be this one guy [or maybe more], who will look back and wish that he had taken better care of us. They will think about how they let us slip through their fingers and not a single day will pass without even just the slightest thought of us entering their minds. They’ll try all their lives to find someone like us, someone to take our place in their lonely and pathetic lives, but no one ever will- and even they know it. And when that time comes, we will be better off without them. In all honesty, we always were. I guess there are just times when we doubted how great we actually are. The truth is, we don’t need a man to complete us. Men.need.us.

‘They say behind every great man there’s a woman. While I’m not a great man, there’s a great woman behind me.Meryll Frost – ‘Most courageous athlete of 1945

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