are you sure those tears are worth it?

sweet sixteen anyone?

yes, call it desperation, me being spoiled or a shoegasm…just get these shoes for me. or keds. and i swear, i’ll sleep better.<3 i’m going shoe hunting in manila, yo. i need those shoes. [as seen above] lmao.

anyways, so finally, end of p.t.’s na gyud. yey. i practically butchered my Chemistry test. bad move. sos. 2nd grading. pfft. lmao.

anyways, so today was jet’s party. that was FUN. [true na gyud ni!] yeah,it was. theonly thing that sucked about the whole thing was that i didn’t bring my suit. PANCIT!!!

sorry to whoever i stole this from, i need it <3

yum, check this out. we can manage to do this with just 3 girls. I bet this shit would be really easy to pull off. i wanna try it. at least 3 people at the end and we could do some cheers then ending na or explosions or in the middle then hataw OR beginning kay cheers para bongga. i’m just saying… :]

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