drippity drop

i started cutting my self again. Yes world of xanga, i cut myself. I’ve cut myself since i was in 6th grade. The only time i stopped was when i was with James because he thinks it’s unacceptable and stupid. and yes, i totally agree. But sometimes, when everything is just falling in on you and you look around and wonder where your friends are and wonder why you’re alone, that blade instantly becomes your best friend.

unfortunately, my clinical instructor saw it and now thinks that i need to talk to him. as if i would want to tell him my innermost secrets. NOT!

yes, i need someone to talk to. yes, i am so emotionally and physically tired. and yes, i need to stop cutting myself.

once i find a better output, i promise, i will.

6 Replies to “drippity drop”

  1. this made me cry. idk, maybe cause i considered doing this not too long ago, or cause you seemed so happy when we were dancing on saturday night. i hope you find that other outlet.you can talk to me if you want, iss. please, stop.. you’re so much better than that.

  2. this made me cry. idk, maybe cause i considered doing this not too long ago, or cause you seemed so happy when we were dancing on saturday night. i hope you find that other outlet.you can talk to me if you want, iss. please, stop.. you’re so much better than that.

  3. I just clicked your page because i thought you were pretty and once i read this, it struck me bad. I had thoughts of suicide in 5th grade, but you do not understand what has changed with me, but i just wanted to tell you that that other outlet/output is you.When everything is falling in on you, don’t let yourself fall with it. You may not be able to stop it from falling, but you can stop yourself.You shouldn’t need friends, or anyone. I like to disconnect with the world to actually be alone. What do people ever do to help myself? Only ourselves can help ourselves. Friends are just a side dish, you can choose to eat it or leave it, but it doesn’t affect your meal.Sorry if that was too much,i just wanted to tell you that.The answer is yourself.<3 Ash.

  4. I just clicked your page because i thought you were pretty and once i read this, it struck me bad. I had thoughts of suicide in 5th grade, but you do not understand what has changed with me, but i just wanted to tell you that that other outlet/output is you.When everything is falling in on you, don’t let yourself fall with it. You may not be able to stop it from falling, but you can stop yourself.You shouldn’t need friends, or anyone. I like to disconnect with the world to actually be alone. What do people ever do to help myself? Only ourselves can help ourselves. Friends are just a side dish, you can choose to eat it or leave it, but it doesn’t affect your meal.Sorry if that was too much,i just wanted to tell you that.The answer is yourself.<3 Ash.

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