Hi, My Name Is Issa And…

Hi, my name is Issa. People call me Issa.

I am 21 years old and as I was typing my age, I literally had to stop and recount it in my head and on my fingers because I honestly still think that I am 18 years old.

I have these big thoughts in my head and I don’t know where to place them or what to do with them and in the process of this confusion, I get scared and often end up watching Serendipity in my room to calm myself down.

I like to sketch things. It depends on my mood but I have discovered that I am more creative when I am sad, lonely, anger and depressed altogether. Which happens every 2-3 times a week so I’m pretty much artsy.

My idea of solving my problems is by running away from the situation in order to collect my thoughts. Often I like to remove myself from the vicinity and collect my thoughts so when I’m back, I don’t want to strangle every one so much. kidding.

I am hoping to get a new job. And if I get this new job, I am hoping to move out. Because I want to find peace with myself and with the people I love. I can’t keep being so angry anymore so I’m trying to fix it. (REFER TO RUNNING AWAY)

At this very moment, I am thinking about cooking myself a 10:30 meal because I’m hungry. But then again, I’m lazy and there will be breakfast tomorrow so MAYBE this hunger can wait.

And I also have a dog named Meow. She is fairly annoying. She likes to eat her own poo.

And yeah, well you know, things work like that. whatcanido, whatcanido.

I think I’m going to watch Serendipity now.

Good night.

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