How To Style: Pastel On Pastel & Fluffy Flats

If you’re wondering when you’re ever going to see me wear these fluffy flats, which I fondly call “floofers”again, the answer is never and I would like to thank my friends’ dog, Amber, for that. Apparently in the eyes of a Siberian Husky, floofers look like yummy balls of goodness and well… you guys can put 2 and 2 together and figure out what happened. Don’t worry, I kept the flats but the floofs are unsave-able. I cannot bring myself to dispose of perfect good shoes so I’m still trying to figure out a way to salvage them! You’ll see what I turn it into in a blog post, obviously.

Pastel and neutral tones have been a recurring trend over the last couple of years but according to my research, it really blew up in 2017. I generally like to stay away from trends until the very last minute (unless it’s really cute- like my floofs) but when you’re shopping and all you see are pastel colored everything’s… you end up putting things in your cart. Next thing I knew, I made a complete outfit out of it!

I wouldn’t say that I am obsessed with this trend mostly because it’s seems a tad bit too soft and feminine for my taste but it’s a good look for casual days full of chores and when you don’t have time to iron. (sorry for the wrinkles) I find pastel colors a bit dull so I paired them with my fluffy flats to make my look stand out. Also, I didn’t want people to focus too much on that fact that I was wearing pink so to the feet I directed them!

Where can I buy floofs?

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