4 Replies to “i need a heart lift.. it’s falling through the spaces of my bones”

  1. you’re not the only one with pms.
    i like everyone, they just piss me off sometimes, that’s all. not that you ever did. but yeah, i get along with yumi and the rest of them. although they probably think i’m mean. and i know i am.
    you’re intimidated? is that a good thing? i used to find dylan intimidating and i wouldn’t talk to him. dylan is the least intimidating person i know now. =P i guess i’m just anti-social or something. but i can be friendly when i feel like it.
    im rambling.

  2. you’re not the only one with pms.
    i like everyone, they just piss me off sometimes, that’s all. not that you ever did. but yeah, i get along with yumi and the rest of them. although they probably think i’m mean. and i know i am.
    you’re intimidated? is that a good thing? i used to find dylan intimidating and i wouldn’t talk to him. dylan is the least intimidating person i know now. =P i guess i’m just anti-social or something. but i can be friendly when i feel like it.
    im rambling.

  3. i can honestly say that i’m enjoying this summer. i try not to think too much about june, about school, filipino, and all those migrain-inducing things. 
    i never knew shopping with my family could be so fun. =D
    aaaand i’m trying to do some self-enhancement. you know, catch up on tv shows, music videos, increasing my wardrobe. lmao.
    but yeah i’ve been doing alot of thinking..

  4. i can honestly say that i’m enjoying this summer. i try not to think too much about june, about school, filipino, and all those migrain-inducing things. 
    i never knew shopping with my family could be so fun. =D
    aaaand i’m trying to do some self-enhancement. you know, catch up on tv shows, music videos, increasing my wardrobe. lmao.
    but yeah i’ve been doing alot of thinking..

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