Having a podcast was something I’ve always wanted to do mainly for the reason that I love to talk as much as I love to write. I enjoy conversing with people, particularly getting to know them and their cause. I often feel like most of the time we enjoy talking about ourselves rather than listening to others but when we do, it’s surprising what kind of things we eventually find out.

After a couple of years of researching about what it entails to have a podcast, I felt like the investment and skills required to start your own show was just too hard and sadly, I let that dream go. But I always told myself that if I ever had the money and the time to learn, I definitely would.

Surprisingly, a year ago, Facebook came out with a LIVE feature and I had a eureka moment! What if I could use Facebook as a platform to start my own show? On August 16, 2016, I decided to start with a Youtube-esqe “First Impressions” video and it made around 700+ views which was a complete shock. I then followed that with a Q&A video addressing my constantly changing hair color which was trending at the time and a few months later, after doing all the necessary research (which as still hard), I just decided to shotgun it and start my own “podcast”.

First Impressions: Benefit's Operation Pore- Proof

Posted by Issa Perez Gandionco on Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Closely nearing 30 episodes in, a ga- jillion problems we are currently facing, a new studio and with guests getting more and more interesting every Sunday (10:00 UTC +08:00)- we’ve been asked to join the roster of award willing, hall of fame and well established podcasters from all around the world this September 30, 2017 for International Podcast Day!

International Podcast Day™ celebration is a great opportunity to connect with fellow podcasters, podcast listeners, podcast enthusiasts, and leaders in the podcasting industry.  Just as the podcasting industry has evolved over the past 13 years, International Podcast Day has done the same.  In 2014, National Podcast Day was celebrated with 6 hours of live broadcasting.  After quickly realizing the power of podcasts internationally, we rebranded into what we are today – International Podcast Day.  In 2015 and 2016, we broadcasted around the globe for nearly 70 hours inviting podcasters and industry leaders from 40 different countries to share their podcast journeys, personal stories, and expertise with the podcast community.  It is important to recognize the history but move forward celebrating the movement and power of podcasts.

To find out more about this event, you can check out their official website.

I’ve been given the 1:00 AM- 2:00 AM PST time slot which is 4:00 PM Saturday, in Philippines and I will be talking about how I started my own podcast through Facebook live.

If you want to sign up for the event and get updates so you can join the festivities, make sure to follow me on Facebook so I can keep you updated!

I would really like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all the support you’ve given me all this time. I’ve always accounted my being passionate as my biggest strength and weakness at the same time but the fire you’ve sparked in feels extremely worth it!

Also, Paolo deserves a huge amount of credit for the success of this show. What it has become now would be nothing would it not have been for his research of the software, equipment, the set up ivolved to improve the show. But more importantly, the emotional support he’s provided has been everything that I needed. I found myself asking myself “is this really worth it?” and “what am I doing?” a lot in the last 7 months that I’ve been doing this but he has always assured me of the best and that has what’s kept my head above the water.

So thank you all and I’ll see you on the 30th. I am extremely humbled and honored to be representing the Philippines and I hope that you all can join me on this wonderful day!

If you’ve never heard an episode before- you can do so here.

Issa P.

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