I’ve Found My Calling

i’ve just had the best 2 weeks of nursing in my entire life! i was just on duty at the Psych ward at VSMMC center for behavioral sciences and i think i’ve just found my calling.

A lot of people to discourage psychiatric nursing cuz they think it’s really risky and stuff but i see it in a really different way, i suppose. I mean, i get how a lot of people or even most people don’t understand these people and if i can’t understand them all the time, i would like to think that i am one of the very few people who wouldn’t judge them. 🙂

ive been feeling really depressed lately and i’ve considered cutting again. i have a new blade.

16 Replies to “I’ve Found My Calling”

  1. This sounds really interesting, I hope it goes well for you! Erm…as for the second part, send me a message! I’m always here to talk if you want me, you know that issa! Don’t cut yourself, it won’t solve anything.

  2. This sounds really interesting, I hope it goes well for you! Erm…as for the second part, send me a message! I’m always here to talk if you want me, you know that issa! Don’t cut yourself, it won’t solve anything.

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