Online Shopping with

With the current lockdown I’m left here, day in and day out on my laptop. Hours on end of nonstop scrolling. I’ve kind of run out of things to do that I’ve ended up searching for cute clothing even if there’s not really anywhere to go nowadays. In a way, it’s been therapeutic because I look at the clothes and imagine myself wearing them somewhere, someday and it gives me a sense of hope which is something I’ve been needing a lot of lately.

It’s a bit odd to be looking for tops online, especially at a time like this but I can’t deny that these pieces are still really cute and i would love to be able to own these pieces one day. Either that or just being able to look at them has brought me immense joy.

Ninacloak has a lot of interesting pieces. I have my eye on a couple pieces, especially the ones that I highlighted in this post. While I do find some of their pieces a bit dated, they’re still great for a sunny summer day or a casual day out and I still think anyone can pull these pieces off.

Check them out at!

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