ok. so, i am on a quest to make the longest blog ever. err.. maybe just enough to beat MY other blogs. my life ain’t that interesting. but, before i start all the excessive nagging.. well, that’s kinda like the ONLY thing i’ll be doing this whole morning i think i’ll start this blogring just like every other one i’ve made.

ok, so it’s a new year. sorry people but. big deal. i mean, every year, everyone makes resolutions that hardly ever come true. i mean, i used to but this year, i decided that i would stop fooling myself and just GET REAL. see, i’m random like that. who knows maybe tomorrow i’ll change my mind and start jotting on a piece of paper the things i’d like to change about myself. note: LIKE. i never said WILL change. there’s a big difference. get a clue <- that’s my new line. and i know it’s original cuz i stole it from this movie. “get a clue” so yeah, just get a clue. [damn, that sounds soo fetch] as i was saying, there were times when i used to like new years eve. there was something so magical about the firworks and everything. but i guess it all changed when mom would shout at me all the time. claim that there’s something wrong with me or you know.. just be the bossy her. getting her way [fyi: that’s my role in this family] but you know what? i think i cried again this new year. like i always do. and i was really quiet. i don’t know why. i think i was upset cuz i had no one to talk to. i mean, im the only teenager in the family so i had a mood swing. i couldn’t tell my mom though cuz she would drag me along with her. but not telling her probably made her pissed to. so one way or the other, i know i screwed new years eve for this filipino family… again. good job, issa. but you know what? i partially blame them. cuz every new years eve there’s only one thing i look forward to. it’s soo weird though. i mean, i always anticipate going to mass. not cuz i’m so religious though. god, i;m sorry. plus plus, im not even catholic. well, technically, i am but whatever. i guess one of the reasons why i like mass is cuz angie is there. and i get to hang out with her. especially cuz we were kinda in the same click and it’s soo fun cuz it’s just me, her and sometimes chastine and we just make soo much noise there! like, we’d have soo much fun catching up on things and making fun of people there. plus, i think that the reason why i enjoy it soo much is cuz i hardly hang out with her anymore. like, holidays are the only times i hung out with her… since idk. but i know that it’s been happenin for a while. so anyways, i bet youve figured why i was pissed. well, that’s not just it. first, angie couldn’t go cuz her relatives from australia arrived. yeah, we shared the same emotions about that one. they didn’t have fireworks this year too. i pity them. but i know how it feels. remember people, last year all we had we’re pop pop’s.lmao. plus, it kinda didn’t matter if angie was there, i just wanted to show up since it’s like tradition for me. plus, if i go to mass it’s like, it sets the whole occassion of new year for me. plus, i see people. but soo much for traditions. cuz while everyone was out “massifying” themselves… i was unconsiously watching unfabulous waiting for my grandma to call us to go to mass. damn it. sometimes i hate my life.

so, i wasn’t perked up or anything. like, i was soo unaware that it was already time to blow up the fireworks and shit. i wasn’t even in the mood to send out my holiday greetings much more celebrate it.

i think the only times i smiled were when i did my little butt dance for miguel and franco. [baby cuzinz] lmao. those babiez crack me up. i love them.

but i do remember smiling when papa faked something on me. then my ego popped back in and i kicked him. i dunno. this year was quite empty for me. speaking of remembering, i can’t remember one single new year. and yeah, i didn’t even get drunk!! fuck. i think i rem. walking around. well, ambot. i rem. a bit. just a tiny bit. lmao.

there were a lot more fireworks than usual tonight though. my mom says it might be good year. a good year for who exactly? as for me. i have no idea on who i’m going to be this year. cuz as long as i’m surrounded by montessorians.. i’d rather just stay as random as i am. that way, they can’t follow the trend. OF COURSE EXCLUDING SOME BUT A VERY MINIMAL AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WHOM I SHALL NOT MENTION BECAUSE PRIDE IS NOT A GOOD VIRTUE. you know who you are. :p

which is why… i shall be stripped. from everything.

strip me from my insecurities:

probably one of my greatest insecurities and i can’t believe i’m actually admitting it is that… i don’t have a barkada anymore. i mean, don’t get me wrong or anything but kathya’s great.she’s the best. but i guess i just miss the thrill of it all. i guess, i miss the pressure. the big groups. more laughs and maybe just the company. i think i’ve been a free spirit for quite sometime now. and if i could, i would like to settle in a group of my own. not a group i’m forced to stay in but one where i think i really belong in.

but if you think about it,if it were to be based at school. kathya’s really the only person i need. so im kindda like the luckiest person there and she kinda iz too. admit it, kath! we’ve both realized this one hundred times, maybe more. :o) and for the record. i am not a lezboe. wth. there are more prone to be lezbo couples at school. class dun play like that.

maybe my next is being physically less fortunate. hey, i don’t think i’m ugly i just don’t think i’m pretty either. my mom says it is. sometimes it makes me feel good but then again, that IS her job. lmao. so much about that… i could always go for surgery.

stripped from hell:

ok. this is when i start to talk about MMCH the place i hate more than hell. no.. i hate hell the most. it’s just a bad place. anyways, my point is… at first it was ok. then it was bad, then it was ok now i just wish i had nothing to do with it. the main reason why i hate this year is cuz of that dump.i admit, it wasn’t always sucha dump but… it still isn’t home to me. i miss stc soo bad.

i don’t know why. i mean, i hated my first year. but i was always excited to go to school. maybe cuz i had tons of friends. i loved it there. sometimes i wish i could go back. then again, sometimes i think leaving was the best decision. but whatever. im stuck there anyways. 3 more years isn’t much right? we’ll see.

stripped from the opposite sex:

i am soo over you… that’s all i have to say.

stripped from friends:

ok, first of all. i can deal with the one’s on this island. but those who ain’t. gravity’s gonna grab you by the ass and pull you right back to the ground. i love you all to death.but please. you we’re just like us. you still are.. and you better remember. pfft. gangstah talk. i think i love it.

stripped from alvin:

he’s not family anymore as far as i’m concerned. i mean, he’s soo pathetic. like, he thinks he can even lay his fingers on me. he has another thing coming to him. i swear, he’s like a dinosaur. extinct and ain’t ever coming back. thank you for the asteroid. yep. one just hit him and it had my name written all over it.

basta.. strip me from everything. except my clothes. you can steal the old ones if you want. i’m through with those. lmao.

so, here are the few things that i’ll never but just might forget about this year

january –

wow. that was the bomb. sinulog was great. i rem. lunch with chubel. that was fun. i think the start of the year up to now basically has chub written all over it. what can i say? her quirkyness has grown on me. sometimes pulls away but.. i love her.

i don’t think i’ll ever forget watching mymp and kitchie nadal wih angie. i met ice surge. he was in black. he was also in black the second time i saw him. costume change for thought??

i rem. walking in the streets. bayot. chub. angie. lotz of peope whom i so truly love. i think sinulog reminds me of why i’m a teenager and what im supposed to do.. PARTII. :p


god.. i think i hated this month. i think around this time things got bad for me. i thought i could just run away from everything. i can’t believe i ran all the way to talamban. goddamnit. WHY!?!?!?! but it was cool cuz it was the love month and i got my very first gift. thank you, Pao. i’m sorry it didn’t work though. i think we’re just VERY different. well, maybe that ain’t true. compatible, eh? πŸ™‚

march –

the month that i unno. din’t mean much. but, iknow that leaving made me miss you. that’s good, r0ight?!?!


tennis. leigh. sigh. im over you, dork.


tennis. i almost won that one. lmao. kathleen ponche. nah. i call it “lucky”. what do you call it!? and yeah, i went to bohol . that was def. f u n. fun fun fun. πŸ˜€

plus, who could forget ina’z party?? coolaz.


ooh. the beach party. πŸ˜€ my first time ina bikini. that was weird. but soo awesome!

and then school. damnit.


i rem. singing for nutrition month. damn hale.


sports clinic? was that it? we lost. good god.


what happened in september? oooh. ok, let’s not rem. that one.


i ended whatever you wanna call it. thank, god. i think i almost killed myself. parasites.

but.. happy birthday to me. πŸ˜€


intrams. KISS MY ASS!!!


uhm… yeah. i don’t rem. much.

and i haven’t visited stc for quite some time na.

i think i have a new hobby. bitting people. yeah, definitely. and i reached 500 on friendster. i got an ipod. i had my room painted. i got a bunk bed. lots of new things. a guitar. a new phone courtesy of donnie. my own band. friends. memories. well, i know this year sucked cuz i feel like shit but.. i unno. i think.. i liked it. JUST A BIT!!

don’t feel it. so, now i’m wondering who i’ll be next year. think i’ll be more religious? i unno. but, i haven’t had any big fights at school. i miss it though. lmao. so, who knows? i might actualy get overmy pms.

why am i soo bright and happy all of a sudden? gawd. i wanna huggy wuggy my mommy right now.

oh my…

bounce. <3

b y e 005.

-lil eeessuh-


-tootsie roll-


-issachua ;p



24 Replies to “”

  1. That was pretty long…but hell I read it anyway, And I agree….I’m getting really fuckin’ sick of MMCH…..The only reason I stick around is coz of the people hating it with me….that feeling of “family” and crap cant be defined..
    The Admin. deserve to be squashed like the traditionalist cockroaches they are!!…who’s with me?!!! (que tumbleweed and crickets)
    Anywayz…xanga’s my new home now, and you guys are my housmates!! (lolz)
    my apologies essse….I’m semi-drunk ryt now πŸ˜‰

    Anywayz…take care!!!

  2. That was pretty long…but hell I read it anyway, And I agree….I’m getting really fuckin’ sick of MMCH…..The only reason I stick around is coz of the people hating it with me….that feeling of “family” and crap cant be defined..
    The Admin. deserve to be squashed like the traditionalist cockroaches they are!!…who’s with me?!!! (que tumbleweed and crickets)
    Anywayz…xanga’s my new home now, and you guys are my housmates!! (lolz)
    my apologies essse….I’m semi-drunk ryt now πŸ˜‰

    Anywayz…take care!!!

  3. hey guys. i see that this comment thinggy has become a new forum for us. lmao. have you guys heard of http://www.badette.com? πŸ™‚ that’s a forum site where you can diss schools. thought bubble?? πŸ™‚ lmao. anyways… let’s hate, discriminate and yeah.. give me something else. lmao.

  4. hey guys. i see that this comment thinggy has become a new forum for us. lmao. have you guys heard of http://www.badette.com? πŸ™‚ that’s a forum site where you can diss schools. thought bubble?? πŸ™‚ lmao. anyways… let’s hate, discriminate and yeah.. give me something else. lmao.

  5. hey guys. i see that this comment thinggy has become a new forum for us. lmao. have you guys heard of http://www.badette.com? πŸ™‚ that’s a forum site where you can diss schools. thought bubble?? πŸ™‚ lmao. anyways… let’s hate, discriminate and yeah.. give me something else. lmao.

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