oH gOd ..

iM suCh a bUhm .. and im enjoying it!  hEhe.

wuz spos’d to take an entrance exam tiz mawnin but like, there’s supposed to be a freakin storm or something .. during the summer!! go figure! and like, it’s soo friggin hot for there to be a typhoon!! stupid weather people!!


*just a thought: why do weather reports report the weather but never end up doing anythang about it.. * Lol. aryt. go laugh yer freakin heads off.

so .. i’ve been a buhm at home. but wait.. that’s nothing new.

guess what? the scariest thang .. all morining dudes have been textin me from mmch. which is scary cuz i’m not there yet and like .. i bet you know where i’m headin. Nax. there’s rae, chuck, yan and i forgot the other one’s. there was tiz dude who was all, “as truly, yadi yadi yadi ya!!”

whatever. i’m stumped. but there’s no turning back .. so, yeah.

ima theresians turned montessorian. damn you jet. lol. just messin. 🙂

ayt. out,

bebe_phat 🙂

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