Babies & Brunches


I still have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that most of my friends are already working, let alone getting married and having babies! But yes, I am finally at that age where everyone thinks we have out sh*t together but the reality is, the majority of us are still trying to figure it out.
Being an “adult” is definitely a lot harder than what I had imagined it to be and to be honest, I don’t even think I’m half way there which means I have A LOT of growing up and maturing to do. When I was younger, I thought adulthood simply revolved around work and family but apparently, it involves a lot more than that… most of which I am not prepared for and some, I am just grateful to have even experienced. But when life gets hard, and it usually does, I know that I can always lean on my girlfriends for a good support system.
Struggles, jobs and people may come and go and I guess that’s a big part of life but always keep your friends close because with the right ones, you will never lose you way!



Dress: H&M




Heels: H&M


Love you mga Yobs!

Issa P. 

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