Dear Irene

You’ve been popping up a lot of my memories lately- photos, banters, an exchange of good conversations and the like.

I always wonder what would’ve happened if the worse never happened- what kind of things we would do, passions we would turn into projects and burgers we would eat like we said but never really got to.

I think about you quite often even if we weren’t childhood friends or kabarkada. You were always someone who I looked up to and a lot of good memories I have were because of you. And so dear friend, I am always mourning for you.

I wanted to leave a comment on a beautiful memory but I knew you wouldn’t reply so I left it as what it was- a memory. But I were to, it would’ve been along the lines of “I MISS THIS! Let’s do it again soon!” as you would eagerly reply to with, “YES! When I’m back in Cebu!”

That’s the thing with memories- sometimes they haunt you and sometimes they leave you missing for things you never really knew you had.

I hope you’re doing fine wherever you are. I hope you found what you were looking for. And I hope in your passing, you knew that I was always your friend.

You are always missed.

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