My Lash Story. Keratin Lash Lift Treatment with FabLabPh

I’ve always been an uneven mix of a girly girl and a tomboy and it’s completely up to you to define the ratios. To give you an idea, I never carry retouch make up in my bag except for lipstick which I hardly ever use, gym clothes are my go-to outfit and I have not owned an eyelash curler in the last decade… don’t even get me started on fake lashes.

I had seen an influx of lash appreciation posts flooding my social medias in the past month which caught my attention although, if I’m being completely honest, my initial thoughts were, “what the heck is so important about eyelashes anyways?” I truly know nothing.

Out of total curiosity, I messaged FabLabCebu on Instagram because 1. the owner, Jane, is a friend of mine and 2. everyone who was talking about their lashes were also talking about FabLab so obviously, it had to there.

I was booked for a Fab Lash Initial Treatment (P1,500.00), which was the initial package for most people coming in. It’s basically a combination of a Keratin Lash Lift, lash tinting and semi- permanent mascara which only involves your natural lashes and nothing else. It’s supposed to last for up to 8 weeks and succeeding treatments can be availed after for maintenance. For more information about the procedure, you can check out this article which I found online.

The procedure:

  1. As soon as I got in and settled, my lash specialist (Jane) asked to take a look at my lashes. She had set my expectations beforehand and expressed how excited she was to do my lashes as they seemed untouched and healthy. I guess it pays to not have an eyelash curler. lol.
  2. Then I got propped up and ready on a bed where under eye patches were then placed on me followed by small pieces of tape, similar to when you get lash extensions.
  3. My specialist then proceeded with the procedure which lasted a little over an hour. I had my eyes closed for the most part so sorry if this doesn’t paint you a beautiful picture.

Does it hurt?

A lot of you have been asking me on social media if the procedure hurt and to be honest, there was a teeny bit of irritation, as some of the product got into my eye, but was easily and quickly cleaned up.


I was then instructed not to wash my eyes til the next day with no specific instructions on how I should wash my face. I was relieved at this because when I had gotten lash extensions, there were very specific directions on how I should wash my face which I honestly loathed.

I woke up the next day and washed my face truly curious as to how my lashes would turn out and was honestly impressed at how much better they had turned out. Initially, my lashes were a bit clumped up, I’m guessing from the product, but my post facial routine had caused my lashes to spread out, making it more natural to the eye without loosing its lift.

I was so in love with them that I got contact lenses and had a mini shoot in my office!

Aside from the typical questions, a few of you also asked me if it was beach/ salt water safe, as we do live on an island and trips to the beach are as common as a trip to the mall. As fate would have it, I was scheduled to go to the beach and I excitedly put my lashes to the test. Here is a photo of my lashes post beach.


I’ve been sporting these lashes for a good 3-4 days already and here are a few thoughts that I’ve gathered and would like to share with anyone who is thinking about trying out this treatment:

1. Your eyes will light up so much eliminating the use of eye make up, specifically eyeliner.

2. It’s a quick and affordable procedure.

3. There’s little maintenance required aside from succeeding treatments after 2-3 months, depending if you want to keep them lifted.

4. It’s beach safe.

5. There are no harmful side effects .


1. If you’re addicted to liquid liner like I am, application can be a bit tricky. I look great without it though and I’ve gone eyeliner-less without wanting to kill myself for the past days but I love lining my top lids so honestly, this has been a challenge. It’s not impossible to do though, it’s just a tad harder.

2. Biologically, lashes are meant to protect our eyes from foreign objects so I get a bit paranoid that my eyes aren’t as protected when lifted as compared to its natural curvature. I’m mostly in glasses so this has never bothered me but it’s a thought that entered my mind at one point.

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Overall, it’s a simple, safe and inexpensive procedure with amazing outcomes. It’s perfect for those who want “permanent” make up effects without the actual commitment of permanent make up. This is me. Which is why I never got micro-bladed. lol. Also, it’s a pretty safe procedure unless you’re a bit sensitive, in that case, you should probably consult your dermatologist first. But otherwise, I would definitely suggest this to anyone interested and I am definitely going back to get them done as soon as needed!


Keratin Lash Lift- P 800.00
Fab Lash Initial Treatment – P 1,500.00
Fab Lash Succeeding Treatment – P 1,000.00

For bookings and reservations, contact Janie Flores on Facebook or Instagram.
She also does visits and group bookings.

To better lashes in 2018,
Issa P.

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