Run Joey, Run

i always get confused when saying that line with Friends and Glee. I miss friends 🙁

the kids are out and so is mother dearest so im all alone at home being lazy but then again productive at the same time.

Today was my second day of training and this time I ran without paolo. Yesterdays run took about 2 hours from my house to Mcdonald’s but today only took less than an hour. Along the way I kept chanting “1 2 3 4 – breathe” and kept trying to pace myself but I was off and ended up running faster than I usually do (with or without training) and messed up my stomach. You know when you feel like you’re appendix just burst? That’s what I meant.

Along the way I saw: a dead cat (it wasn’t roadkill boo) and a small kid smoking

I almost smelled: wet fish and wet pee

But it’s those things which are the sole purpose of why I run amongst traffic and not in a gym where I don’t get to exercise my eyes.

Once I start my bike training I guess I’ll have to go back though… *sigh* I’m scared they’ll kick me out like LAST time. 🙁

Anyways, off to being lazy again. yey me!

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