The Monastery, Cebu feat. John Ong Photography

What’s better than lounging around a snazzy concept themed restaurant (The Monastery) in one of Cebu’s most talented upcoming designer’s (Bree Esplanada) dresses while being shot by an expert behind the lens (John Ong)?

Well, if you’re me- nothing.

I was very lucky to be invited to shoot at The Monastery a couple of weeks ago- basing on the photos alone, I think you’ll understand why.

Photos and fashion greatly work hand in hand and in the world of fashion blogging, sometimes photos are everything. Luckily, our set wasn’t just a great place to take photos but it was also a great place to chill at when the shoot was done.

monastery cebu

I cannot wait to show you more of the photos we took on that day and tell you a little bit more about our location. But just in case your curiosity gets the best of you, you can check The Monastery out at 976 Veteran’s Drive, Lahug Cebu CIty, Philippines

Follow The Monastery on Facebook

Find out more about John Ong

& Bree Esplanada

See You There,


Part 1/ 3 😉

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