
So, it’s after Christmas and things’re pretty much
back to normal. Tito Louie was here for a day to visit but now he’s on his way to manila. papa’s out with him. i  got more gifts. hehe. what can i say.. i’m a gift hog. lol

yesterday i spent my afternoon at ayala with friends. the usual loves of my life. lol.

i bought francis a thankyouforbringingmetoyourprom gift and i would’ve gotten myself a top if i found one but after xmas days don’t seem very shoppy. lol.

christmas was very robotic and scripted. the usual, sun valley dinner, xmas mass at the chapel with the girls, maria luisa, noche buena, pictures, gift openning and home [wherever home was] to open gifts. lol.

last year, you could tell my relatives wanted me to “girl up” but this year they went pretty lax on me. i must be turning into the little grown up girl they wanted. which is why they got me big jackets and big bags. HAHA. pamilya.

this christmas wasn’t very special to me. lol. i don’t know. new year gas to be rockin.

whatever. my lolo’s 58 now. yey.

The loves of my Life <3

CHABEL – the camel
ISSA – the iguanna
niña – the piña

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