Today Was Extremely Productive

1. I got to roll around in bed for an extra 30 minutes cuz mom was late

2. I FINALLY finished the website/ blog I was working on, after a bajillion years. Please check out to share my happiness.

3. I only smoked 3 cigarettes today. I’ll do less tomorrow. 

4. That I got my package from and that the eyebrow pencil I badly need is pretty decent

5. Jonas braved the traffic from the office to my house to go to SM. So nice of him.

6. I got to eat pizza even if I wanted some deep fried, hwart clogging goodness. I’ll try to get some ginabot tomorrow… Even if I have to walk for it!

7. I had coffee twice today.

8. Ate calamares… Even after bitching at my mom cuz the maid forgot to cook me lunch. Please refer to precious post for that 5 minute bratisode.

9. That I met up with an old friend after a very, VERY long time. Hi Gladys! 

10. I was also able to make a bunch of marketing materials for citiwear. Please order shirts from me, I need Singapore money. Lol.

11. I got to play with Barbie and Meow after a week of not seeing my fur babies.

12. That I was able to plot a lot of things to accomplish within the week/ tomorrow.

13. Alex and Jet turned a year older today.  I am grateful for their existence.

14.  My good friends are celebrating their anniversary today. I’m so happy they found each other because they couldn’t be more right for each other.

Late night thoughts (because it’s raining and I am alone): I don’t know what’s in store for me because quite frankly, sometimes I am too afraid to look too far into the future. But scared or not, I know there’s a forever for me in there… Somewhere.

But that’s the problem with finding yourself at the beginning again- everything feels like eons away… But then again, I’d rather be here than still be stuck there. 

My dog is so ugly. I hate her.

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